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melee is kind of working, they could use some company

Fragged Up Beyond All Recognition [FUBAR]
Please send me a personal message when applying, all applicants will be processed upon receipt of message.
Links Stats
Created 6013 days ago
Members 1
Rank 323
Alliance Size Rank 480
Average Member Rank 2,723
Rank of Average Member Ranks (rankety rank rank O_o) 264
Total Attack Force #330
Total Defense Force #330
Total Covert Force #330
Total Security Force #330
Member Rules
1. The number one rule of FUBAR is to have respect for everyone.
2. Don't be an idiot.
3. Be polite to other members.
4. Do not spam.
5. Report FUBAR members who you see breaking any of our rules with a screen shot.
7. Note that FUBAR is a mix of people from several clans and other groups, and therefore is not responsible if you give out any information from your individual clan or group here and members outside that group learn that information.
8. Do not discriminate people based on race, sexual orientation, religion etc.
9. Do not ask for promotions. This will only decrease your chance of actually getting one.

Rules of Engagement
No in alliance attacking
Auto accept members: No, require manager approval
Player Soldiers Rank in Alliance Role
#0 50 Humans #1 Owner