Stats |
Players active since the last reset |
2 |
Players active in the past 24 hours |
3 |
Players active in the last 7 days |
4 |
Players active in the last 30 days |
8 |
Players who signed up in the last 24 hours |
0 |
Players who signed up in the 24 hours before that |
0 |
Players who signed up in the last 7 days |
42 |
Players who signed up in the 7 days before that |
1 |
Players who signed up in the last 30 days |
46 |
Players who signed up in the 30 days before that |
2 |
Where did you hear about the game? |
Word of mouth from another game |
806 |
Word of mouth on a forum or chat room |
409 |
Word of mouth in person |
585 |
Game listing site (e.g. Gamesites200, Top Web Games) |
312 |
Search engine |
405 |
Telepathy |
722 |
Other (please describe below) |
232 |