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melee is kind of working, they could use some company

Mad Hatters Tea Party [CHEESE]
Lost in the mist of time, and stuck in the valley of the mad. All the world makes sense if you don't bother to think about it.
Links Stats
Created 5732 days ago
Members 1
Rank 420
Alliance Size Rank 694
Average Member Rank 6,784
Rank of Average Member Ranks (rankety rank rank O_o) 688
Total Attack Force #469
Total Defense Force #469
Total Covert Force #469
Total Security Force #469
Member Rules
All are welcome to join the tea party. Though we you may wish you hadn't.
The rules are as followed
rule 1. always follow rule two
rule 2. always follow rule three
rule 3. ingore 1 and two and go straight to rule four
rule 4. All of the above.
Rules of Engagement
If either of you are standing when the dust is settled, you didn't try had enough.
Auto accept members: Yes
Player Soldiers Rank in Alliance Role
#6,784 487,763 Humans #1 Owner