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melee is kind of working, they could use some company

KoC SucKs [NO KOC]
The KOC Haters!! Muahaha.. Who likes KOC anymore? I sure as hell don't. They butchered it so much that everyone is leaving. Recruit all members of KOC to join RoT! Woot! Who's your daddy
Links Stats
Created 6276 days ago
Members 12
Rank 481
Alliance Size Rank 29
Average Member Rank 4,243
Rank of Average Member Ranks (rankety rank rank O_o) 442
Total Attack Force #27
Total Defense Force #26
Total Covert Force #26
Total Security Force #26
Member Rules
1. You have to hate KOC like I do now.

2. You may not and will not attack The AC.

3. Don't attack me either that probably wouldn't be smart.
Rules of Engagement
I'll take care of ya if you need help ;) I'm sure Vivlady will help me out too cuz she <3's me and she knows it.

* humps Vivlady's who who
Auto accept members: Yes
Player Soldiers Rank in Alliance Role
#0 50 Humans #1 Normal Member
#275 15,431,338 Humans #2 Normal Member
#300 15,479,665 Humans #3 Owner
13,956,155 Humans #4 Normal Member
#4,555 13,596,169 Humans #5 Normal Member
#5,168 15,393,871 Humans #6 Normal Member
#6,080 13,026,019 Humans #7 Normal Member
#6,088 10,840,977 Humans #8 Manager
14,828,048 Humans #9 Normal Member
#6,804 13,354,172 Humans #10 Normal Member
#6,914 14,054,574 Humans #11 Normal Member
10,397,438 Humans #12 Normal Member